RIMMA 2020 |
6th Interdisciplinary International Conference on RISK Information Management, Risk Models and Applications Berlin, Germany, August 26-27, 2020 Program
Keynote Speakers Massimo Migliorini Linksfoundation Torino (Italy) Representative of UN DRR E-STAG, the UN DRR European Science and Technology Advisory Group E-STAG support of Sendai Framework Implementation Reimund Schwarze Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig (Germany) first presentation of the recently initiated UN DRR New Global DRR Research Agenda Peter Baumann Jacobs University Bremen (Germany) Unleashing Spatio-Temporal Big Data for Time-Critical Risk Management within the conference we will organize a 2 h roundtable discussion in cooperation with UN DRR E-STAG, the European DRR Science and Technology Advisory Group on Governance of RISK Information Future R&D Programs needed, Regulatory, Legal, Risk, Environmental and Operational Requirements, Innovation for Complex Operational Coherence of Cross-Organizational Information Interoperability, Challenges in adequate Methods and Techniques, FAIR Information, Management Principles of “Critical Thinking”, Extensive Documentation and Reporting, Transparent Analysis, Testbeds The Role of National Platforms / Focal Points for Implementation of UN Conventions and other UN Instruments etc. discussions by panelists and audience results of roundtable to be compiled and distributed to participants for further action |
Conference Series Homepage RIMMA2020 save the date RIMMA2020 Call RIMMA2020 Poster A1 join the free and open RISK_List UN DRR Sendai Framework ____________________________ Importand Dates: Submission Authors&ProgCom Registration 2020-07-06 Invitation Program update 2020-07-06 Early Bird Registration ends 2020-07-26 Standard Registration ends 2020-08-15 ____________________________ Strategy Report 2019 "Challenges in Operational Risk Information Management" ____________________________ Contact Conference Series Chair Horst Kremers Contact Co-Chairs Frank Fuchs-Kittowski Berlin Victoria Bakhtina Washington Alberto Susini Geneva ____________________________ ____________________________ for further information contact RIMMA chair Horst Kremers _______________________ previous events of this series: 2008 2009 2010 2014 2016 _______________________ Join the eNewslist RISK_List Horst Kremers CODATA-Germany P.O. Box 20 05 48 D- 13515 Berlin Germany